sunnuntai 4. maaliskuuta 2012

Exchange plans

The situation so far is, that I have received the exchange place on behalf of my university. Now I just have to get accepted in Germany. I have no idea when apply time begins in Germany and so far I'm unable to send my application in there. I have contacted the university there, but I haven't got the answer yet. I hope they answer me next week!
 I have already send the application papers for housing, because I got a tip from my friend  (who's going erasmus in Oulu) that I should apply the apartment as early as I can. Now I just hope that they will accept me in there and I get an apartment too.
 So many questions and few answers, but I  have to dig out the information that I need :DD

I won't bother you any longer, so Wiii over and out!

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